Brag Sheet
Please fill out this form as accurately and completely as possible. Don’t be afraid to “brag” about yourself a little. Your counselor, teachers, coaches, mentors, and supervisors will use this information to recommend you for scholarships, college admissions, college fly-in/summer programs, and other honors/awards. You may attach a separate sheet of paper and/or résumé if you like. Feel free to attach your personal insight questions as well. Letters of Recommendation need to be requested 2-3 weeks in advance.
To request a Letter of Recommendation: Ask teachers you feel very comfortable with and believe will write a strong letter of rec.
Ask them if it is possible to write you a letter of rec?
Once they have accepted, you take them the "Brag Sheet" 2-3 weeks in advance before the deadline to ensure you have it in your possession by the time you need it.
It is a good idea to have 4-5 Letters of Recommendation handy at all times (you can just make copies) and attach them to the Scholarship Applications.
It is highly recommended to ask for Letters of Rec at the end of Junior Year or beginning of the Senior Year and apply to as many scholarships as possible.
Download word document to type on the form.
Download PDF document to print.